End of the 2019 Legislative Session – Moving Forward
HB 2013 - Relinquishment of Firearms - July 23, 2019 – Governor Kate Brown signed HB 2013.
The bill fills in a gap to ensure that persons against whom a temporary restraining order in a domestic violence matter has been issued will be required to relinquish any firearms within 24 hours.
An opportunity is provided for challenging this action at a later date, but the weapons must be relinquished by the individual to avoid possible misuse until the matter is heard. While some counties had already implemented such a procedure on their own, the vast majority had not. HB 2013 applies to all counties.
LEVO strongly supported this bill with a letter sent to the legislators, signed by 155 faith leaders from many religious backgrounds and many parts of our state (LINK TO LETTER). The letter urged the legislature to move forward on additional gun safety legislation now and in the future, because there is much more work to be done.
Thank you to all faith leaders who signed! You are helping us make our community safer, one step at a time.
HB 2025/SB 275 – Safe Storage
Though the two bills related to safe storage did not pass this session, State of Safety is acting quickly to get a law which will require responsible storage of firearms.
An initiative has been filed and will be working its way through the Secretary of State’s office.
There also may be a chance for the legislature to take up the matter early in the 2020 short session, which starts in early February 2020.
LEVO strongly supports both actions.