Oregonians will start getting their ballots on October 19th, and November 8th is fast approaching. Now is the time to reach every single voter in Oregon to make sure they are ready to pass Measure 114 and enact common sense gun violence prevention measures.
This has truly been a grassroots effort – you have volunteered as circulators, office volunteers, donors,
general promoters, and so much more. Now we need your help more than ever. Many of you have already started to educate more Oregonians about this measure. We’re asking you to sign up for one task a week between now and November 8th to help us get this done. If you can do more we won’t say no!
Below you’ll find information on two ways to help:
Sign up directly for an event
Our first canvass event will be is this Saturday, October 1st, at the LEVO office in NE Portland (we’ll have lawn signs for everyone who comes!) Get here at 10am for a brief training, get your materials, and get ready to talk to voters about the importance of Measure 114. Sign up for this event, future canvasses, phone calls, and data entry, here: Field@lifteveryvoiceoregon.com.
Your Regional Team
We have enlisted “Regional Distributors” in many communities around the
state and in the metropolitan areas. These “distributors” will provide our volunteers (you) with materials,
which will include information, AND instructions for all the volunteer
activities listed below that will help us pass Measure 114. To find a Regional Distributor in your area at please email Joepaterno24@comcast.net.
The activity “Menu” of Volunteer possibilities includes:
Neighborhood Center Businesses window placard distribution
Public Education and Community Events
Postcard Writing to Oregon Voters
House Parties
Neighborhood Canvasses
Letter Writing to the Editor
Please consider taking part in as many of the above actions as you are
able. We realize that each community is different and what might work well
in one community, might not work for another. We also realize everyone
has a different comfort level of involvement. We would encourage
volunteers to participate in whatever capacity is comfortable for you.
Finally, if you are doing education at a community event, please let your
area distributor or the LEVO office know. We are working to keep a running
list of events where our volunteers will be working.
We thank you in advance for this important work. We need Oregon voters
to be informed about Measure 114 and to support it with their positive vote
on Nov. 8th!
With your continued work we can make Measure 114 a reality and make
our schools and communities are safer. Please contact us with any questions
or comments.